November 4th ◈ 2018

Gecko N°68


I illustrated a story about the almost impossible friendship of a moth and a butterfly. Story written by Hella Sieg, published in the current edition of wonderful Gecko Kindermagazin !

September 21st ◈ 2018

Exhibition tonight!


I am very happy to be part of this exhibition, initiated and curated by the wonderful woodworking artist Sonja Kreutzer aka Soniwood! She invited 13 artists to work with a slice of poplar tree. Feel free to come and visit tonight or all weekend, details below!
Cornelia Pastohr – Steinbildhauerei, Neuss
Dagmar Reichel – Grafik/Installation, Viersen
Gerda Feiertag – Malerei, Jüchen
Isabel Ahrens – Pädagogik, Bremen
Katharina Sieg – Illustration, Hamburg
Markus Jöhring – Grafikdesign, Recklinghausen
Pierre Bailly – Wachskollagen, Wesel
Rachel Bossahmmer – Fotografie, Jüchen
Ruth Löbner – Literatur, Mönchengladbach
Sabine Westerwelle – Restaurierung, Korschenbroich
Sonja Kreutzer – Holzkunst, Korschenbroich
Ulrike Freier – Kalligraphie, Korschenbroich
Vera Keitmeier – Illustration, Herne

Vernissage am Freitag 21. September 2018 ab 19.00
mit Einführungsworten von Robert Jordan und Getränken vom Feinkosthimmel Korchenbroich

Ausstellung Samstag 22.09. und Sonntag 23.09. 2018 jeweils von 12.00 bis 18.00 Uhr

Raderboich 185 in Korschenbroich

August 7th ◈ 2018

New Book out since Spring 2018


Written by Wolfgang Hermann, published with Nilfperd !

Have a look at some inside pages at the gallery !

October 9th ◈ 2017

“Die Nacht des Elefanten” has been selected as a White Raven 2017!


The White Ravens is an annual catalogue of book recommendations in the field of international children’s and youth literature, which contains 200 titles in 38 languages from 56 countries!

Check out the article about the elephant right here!


October 4th ◈ 2017

New Lockengelöt Lamp and GIVE AWAY!


Great news and a GIVE AWAY! Tomorrow the new Lockengelöt lamp with my mirrored elephant will be released – and if you are located in Europe, you can win one by simply sending a mail with the subject “Elefant” to until October 20th! The winner will be drawn by the ‘mysterious neighbor’ – this info alone has me on the edge of my seat somehow. Good luck!